Sunday Services 8:15 am & 10:30 am

17 May 2020 | 08:15 am - 11:30 am

Scripture:                   Psalm 66: 8-20           John 14: 15-21

Sermon:                      Keeping Christ’s Commandments

Sermon Theme:         If you love me, you will keep my commandments, love one another; I am giving you these commandments so you may love one another.  Each generation lives out these commandments differently but the common thread is that we are all searching for family and we are all seeking the message of love, which John proclaims, and the church attempts to live out every day.  There is a connection between our relationship with Christ and our behavior and it is founded and focused on sacrifice, hope and love.

To watch a live stream of the service click [HERE].  To see it on YouTube click [HERE].