Sunday Service 9:20

17 Jul 2016 | 09:00 am

(Summer Schedule) 9:00 am Fellowship, 9:20 Worship, and 10:40 am Sunday School

Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas’ message is, “It’s Not About You” based on Colossians 1:15-28.


Paul says the goal of the life of faith is that we might be “mature in Christ.” What does that mean? First it means that we move away from a life of self to a life of service. I am reminded of the acronym “JOY” which stands for “Jesus, Others, You.” That is to say, Jesus first, others next and you are last.

Maturity in Christ also means moving from our value system to Christ’s value system. The Colossians passage says “Christ in you” and doesn’t that mean having the same consciousness of Christ in us living out his values and love through us? Finally, maturity in Christ mean understanding that life is not about us, but about God.