Sunday Service 9:30 am

28 Aug 2022 | 09:30 am - 10:30 am

Scripture:                   Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16, Luke 14: 1-4

Sermon:                      Anything but Ordinary

Sermon Theme:         Using ordinary situations Jesus shares with us the extraordinary nature of the Kingdom of God and our place in it.  He reminds us that the Kingdom is not just something to look forward to; it is something we live in now.  As Disciples, we are people of the table.  A simple piece of furniture becomes a place of teaching and ordinary bread and wine become symbols of grace and love that we cannot understand fully but we can experience.  Jesus takes the ordinary, a table, a dinner party, bread and wine, even people’s actions, and makes them holy.

To watch a live stream of the service click [HERE].  To see it on YouTube click [HERE].