Family Ministries
Programs to reach families inside and outside our church doors. With interactive family worship services once a month, quarterly family night outs, intergenerational worship services, and annual events including Trunk or Treat, Christmas Fest, and Eggstravaganza.
Contact: Alyssa Burton

Young Adult Ministries
Young Adult Ministry is for those out of high-school through the 30s. Our fellowships are held in homes, in restaurants, and around Huntsville. The young adults have several opportunities for fellowship and study. Sunday small group will study Holy Unhappiness by Amanda Held Opelt beginning on September 24th at 10:30 in the basement classroom.
FCC young adults participate in the ministries of the Alabama-Northwest Florida Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), including a winter retreat in January.
Check out our happenings on Facebook!
Abigail Circle
Abigail Circle is a group of young women who meet on a Saturday voted on by group members monthly. The group focuses on womanhood and helping young women and “adulting” women to gather and find rest with each other.
September’s meeting will be held on September 30th at 9:00am at Parlor Donuts.
Contact Alyssa Burton for further info as to location.
Winter Retreat
The Young Adult Winter Retreat is in January at YMCA Camp Chandler in Wetumka, AL. More information will be given closer to the date of the retreat.
Want to know more
Contact Alyssa Burton, Interim Director of Children, Youth, and Families.
Also, check out our happenings on Facebook!