
Christian Women’s Ministries (CWM) is an umbrella organization for all women’s ministries at FCC. The goal is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education, and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the Church of Jesus Christ.  For a list of what CWM supported in 2023-2024 [CLICK HERE].

Esther Circle

Esther Circle meets the second Monday morning of each month at 9:30 AM. The study for this fall is An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor. Come and share great fun and fellowship as we grow together in our faith.

Contact: Marilee Keim

Phoebe Circle

Phoebe Circle meets at First Christian Church the first Wednesday at 6:00 PM in the Garden Room(September thru December and March-May) and on zoom(January-February). We have light refreshments and a study. The study is from Just Women. We participate in all CWM projects and activities. Women of all ages attend and we welcome women who worship at other churches. While we are a close group, we are always excited to welcome visitors and new members.

Contact: Ruth Lackey


Abigail Circle

Abigail Circle is a group of young women who meet monthly at local coffee shops to share their faith journey. The study for this year is from Blessed are the Women By Claire K. Mckeever-Burgett Contact Sharifa Love-Rutledge for further info as to time and place.

Contact: Sharifa Love-Rutledge

Naomi Circle

Naomi Circle is “A circle/safe space to support bereaved women.” This group meets Second Wednesdays at 6 pm in the Church Library. The study for this year is “Seeing Beautiful Again: 50 Devotions to Find Redemption in Every Part of Your Story” by Lysa TerKeurst. We welcome women at any point in their grieving process from any type of loss.

Contact: Sharifa Love-Rutledge



Lois and Eunice Circle

Lois and Eunice Circle meets the third Wednesday at 6:00 PM in the Garden Room. This circle focuses on gathering together as women of faith in a CIRCLE of care, prayer, learning and fellowship. The intention of this group is to create a space where women of all ages can come together. Please join us!

Contact: Nancy Waites, Loriane Lyter-Reed