Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas’ message is, “The Gospel According to YOU!”  Your “COMPASSION” based on Matthew 25:31-46.


 Compassion is what Jesus showed with his life. He healed, cared for and loved so very many people. Matthew 25, the parable of the last judgment, reminds us to be compassionate to “the least of these.” By doing so Jesus says you have done it to him.

 The sermon is focused on acts of compassion and on another parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16. The Rich Man was punished in hell not because of his wealth, but because he did not use his God given wealth as a resource for the compassionate care of others. He was punished because he was selfish, and in spite of all that he had, he never took the time to notice the poor man at his very own doorstep. He accepted Lazarus as part of the landscape.

 I think the sin of the Rich Man is still alive and very much among us. There are many poor on our “doorstep.” Do we ignore them? We must write our gospel with compassion for the world as God has compassion for us in Jesus.