Sunday Service 9:30 am

01 May 2022 | 09:30 am - 10:30 am

Scripture:                   Acts 9: 1-6, John 21: 1-19

Sermon:                      Food, Folks and Fishing

Sermon Theme:         We have experienced the risen Christ in our lives, we know that he has risen, and we have heard him say, “Follow me.” But often this means that we have to leave behind what we know and journey where we don’t want to go.  How can we do this? Before Jesus spoke to Peter he fed him; Jesus fed his disciples.  More than that, he filled their nets, cooked the fish, made the bread, sat down with them, and provided everything they needed, even forgiveness. When we accept the call of Christ we are prepared, fed, nurtured and loved.  We are given everything we need.  Jesus calls and we follow, trusting in his guidance and support.

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