Abrahamic Prayers – Starts at 8pm CDT

07 May 2020 | 09:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Abrahamic Prayers is a gathering of people from all faith traditions to pray for global peace and healing and to share our beliefs, similarities, and differences. We will meet online via Zoom on Thursday, May 7, at 8pm CDT.

What is the history of the Jewish community in Huntsville? How are they dealing with the present difficulties – of COVID-19, but also political and social realities? How can the faith communities of Huntsville work together to build bonds of trust and fellowship?

Rabbi Eric M. Berk serves as the Rabbi of Temple B’nai Sholom, Alabama’s oldest synagogue in continuous use. Prior to his arrival in Huntsville, Rabbi Berk served Congregation Beth Knesset Bamidbar in Lancaster, California for seven years while simultaneously working in the hospice field, serving eight years as Spiritual Counselor, Spiritual Care Coordinator, and Chaplain for Los Angeles’ only non-profit, Jewish hospice: The Skirbal Hospice, A Program of the Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging.

Rabbi Berk’s discussion will be introduced by and followed by a period of sung, spoken, and silent prayer.

Meeting ID: 841 2854 4931 
Password: 228765 
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Meeting ID: 841 2854 4931 
Password: 228765