DHR Snacks
For the past eight years in June, Community Outreach has asked the congregation for individual snacks and drinks for DHR to have on hand for children coming through DHR hungry and thirsty. These children are at the DHR office for any of a number of reasons, including: foster children visiting their parents, children removed from a dangerous situation, children waiting for a court hearing. Sometimes the children are in the office for a long time and get hungry and thirsty. The social workers have only the vending machine for this (and out of their own pocket) so, by donating individually wrapped snacks (cheese and crackers, goldfish, etc.) and drinks (Capri sun, etc.) we can help them both. Please donate something other than candy bars. If you prefer, donate a check and CO will shop for you. The check should be made to FCC with CO June project in the memo line. You will make a difference