Christian Women’s Ministries Blanket Month
CWM’s January service is supporting Church World Service that will send blankets to people in need all round the world. What do you do if you are cold? At home you reach for a blanket or turn up the heat.
What if you didn’t have an extra blanket or no blanket at all? What if you didn’t have a home because of a natural disaster, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, or flood? Church World Service provides blankets to those without blankets all over the world. CWM invites FCC to join us in giving blankets during the month of January. The cost of a blanket is $10. Make your check out to FCC and mark for blankets. As one person put it, “it’s about loving our neighbors on this small, interconnected planet, just as Jesus commanded”.
Only $10 per blanket warms someone, furnishes a carry-all, as well as offers protection and shelter. For more information go to