Grateful Life Community Church
Christian’s Women’s Ministries and Community Outreach have chosen financial support for Grateful Life Community Church as their Service Project for the month of May. Grateful Life is a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregation located at 207 Oakwood Avenue. As stated on their website ( this community church provides ministry, food, clothing, bikes, over the counter medications and toiletries for the poorest citizens of Huntsville. Many of those helped are veterans, addicts, or the mentally ill with little in the way of material goods. Donations will help improve the quality of life for those in need. Grateful Life is also the only church in Huntsville that opens its doors as an emergency shelter to all of those needing a warm place during extremely cold weather. Please make your check out to FCC, write Grateful Life in the note or memo line, place it in the offering bowl, give it to your Circle leader or drop it by the church office. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!