Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas’ message is, “The Gospel According to YOU!”  Your “COURAGE” based on Matthew 21:1-10, Mark 10:32-34.


 Jesus told his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great suffering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and be killed and on the third day be raised. He had known from the beginning that suffering, and not glory, was to be the outcome of his ministry. What courage that must have taken our Lord.

 A lot of things take courage. There is a courage when someone is confronted with a crisis or emergency. That’s one kind of courage. There is courage that requires determination and resolve day in and day out. That’s another kind of courage. Then there is the courage that Jesus showed who faces the coming trial head on. He set his face to go to Jerusalem, knowing all along what that meant (the cross and death). You and I have to face life with courage just as Jesus did. So take courage, because the cross is before us and God’s love is always beside us. Take courage and do the right thing.