Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas’ message is, “The Conclusion of the Matter” based on Ecclesiastes 2:1-11.


The bottom line is this. You are a person of influence. You will either have a positive or a negative influence on others in this life. When you choose to be a person of positive influence, we add value to the life of others. I recognize that choice is a funny thing. Some things we can choose and much of life we cannot choose. But you can choose the kind of influence you are upon others. You can choose to build a relationship or destroy it.

Solomon decided after trying it all, going through power, pleasure and amassing possessions that it is all meaningless EXCEPT, “here is the conclusion of the matter fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” So you can choose to build a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and have life, which is God’s choice for you, or you can ignore and walk away from it and thereby destroy your life. What a choice! Choose Life!