Sunday Services 9:30 am

05 Sep 2021 | 09:30 am - 10:30 am

Scripture:                   Mark 7: 24-37, James 2: 1-10, 14-17

Sermon Title:             All Are Welcome

Sermon Theme:         Is our faith lifeless and dead, or is it alive and growing?  For James, the true test is how we treat others and how we serve God every day in our lives.  His words remind us that we must examine ourselves, not only our beliefs but how we live them out, for God calls us to commit ourselves to justice and provide concrete acts of love and compassion.

Faith and works are not two separate theological ideas; they work together as a part of the Christian whole.  Faith without works is dead, but in the same manner works without faith are lifeless.  The key to this idea does not lie within us but in the transforming love of God who not only offers salvation but a new way to live on earth.

To watch a live stream of the service click [HERE].  To see it on YouTube click [HERE].