Sunday Services 9:30 am

08 Nov 2020 | 09:30 am - 10:30 am

Scripture:                   1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18, Matthew 25: 1-13

Sermon:                      Faithfully Waiting

Sermon Theme:         In the midst of the discussion of the foolish bridesmaids and the end times we forget the true climax of the parable.  The Bridegroom comes and the feast is ready.  The hope in this passage is that if we remain faithful when Christ comes again we will be recognized and invited to this feast.  In fact, we are already invited, the feast is prepared, our responsibility is to invite others.

These texts about the coming of the Kingdom of God were not meant to bring fear; instead they were to provide hope.  As followers of Christ we are called to persevere in faith until Jesus returns no matter how long this will be.

To watch a live stream of the service click [HERE].  To see it on YouTube click [HERE].