Sunday Services 8:15 am & 10:30 am

14 May 2017 | 08:15 am - 11:30 am

8:15 am Casual Service, 9:15 am Sunday School, and 10:30 am Traditional Service.

Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas’ message is, “I Can Have Anything!” based on John 14:1-14.


Do you believe that prayer has limits? Jesus says, “… ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Let’s consider what that may mean. Jesus is giving his disciples words of encouragement so they would not give up hope, no matter what happens. He was talking about the work of his kingdom. Jesus was saying when the disciples get into action doing God’s work, when they enlist God’s help, nothing is impossible. Amazing things happen in this world by people who dream, believe, and don’t give up.

Wouldn’t it be great if FCC Huntsville had a dream big enough that we would have to depend on God to accomplish it? Wouldn’t it be great if we search our hearts and souls with prayer so that our dream would match God’s dream? I believe God would want our church to be a vibrant, living church where people come to faith in Jesus Christ, be transformed and grow in that faith, and dedicate themselves to the glory of God.