Sunday Services 8:15 am & 10:30 am

19 Mar 2017 | 08:15 am - 11:30 am

Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas’ message is, “The Gospel According to YOU!”  Your “FORGIVENESS” based on Matthew 18:21-35, Ephesians 4:32.


How many of us still have things in the past we carry around with us? There are probably things we need to let go of and to forgive. Think of the sins God has willingly forgiven you and me at the cross. Think of the Lord’s Prayer in which we pray, “Forgive us our trespasses/debts/sins as we forgive those who ….” Our forgiving others is to be endless (70 times 7). For Christians, and most certainly the church, forgiveness is a strategy for changing the world. We must lead the way with our forgiveness and mercy.