Sunday Services 8:15 am & 10:30 am

11 Aug 2019 | 08:15 am - 11:30 am

Scripture:                   Luke 12: 32-40          

Sermon:                      Worrying and Waiting

Sermon Theme:         Jesus knew the powerful nature of anxiety; in his life he felt its presence as he drew nearer to the cross.  He could understand the positive and the negative attributes of worrying.  There are some things that we should worry about; but wealth, possessions, and the Kingdom of God are not on this list.  The first two because in the scope of things they do not matter.  When we remember someone we do not think about what they owned, but what type of person they were and the influence they had on our lives.

And the second because, quite frankly the decision is not up to us.  We are not given control over who is welcome in the Kingdom or even when it will appear again on earth.  Instead, we are given the Kingdom itself simply because it is God’s pleasure.

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