Sunday Service 9:20

24 Jul 2016 | 09:00 am

(Summer Schedule) 9:00 am Fellowship, 9:20 Worship, and 10:40 am Sunday School

Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas’ message is, “Knock, Knock” based on Luke 11:1-13.


Jesus sums it up, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and then door will be opened for you.” Ask, seek and knock are all action verbs. Prayer is good, but Jesus is telling us prayer is like a lubricant to do something responsible about the situation. Of course pray about it, but keep asking, seeking and knocking. Do something. Prayer and effort go together.

The answer to prayer may not be what you expect or in the form you desire. But keep on praying in the face of apparent silence, keep asking, seeking, knocking. It is our faith to continue to do what God is calling us to do in the power of prayer. Nothing can defeat God or God’s love, not even death. You have no idea what God has in store for you unless you are willing to do something by faith. Just keep on asking, seeking and knocking.